|| या रक्ताम्बुजवासिनी विलासिनी चण्डांशु तेजस्विनी | या रक्ता रुधिराम्बरा हरिसखी या श्री मनोल्हादिनी || या रत्नाकरमन्थनात्प्रगटिता विष्णोस्वया गेहिनी || सा मां पातु मनोरमा भगवती लक्ष्मीश्च पद्मावती ||
There were many people living in a village who used to do their work diligently but did not help each other in any way. Sanskars like worship, kindness and benevolence were greatly reduced, evils had increased there. Many crimes like alcohol, gambling, race, adultery, theft and dacoity were committed in the city. Despite this, some good people also lived in the city.
Sheela and her husband's household was considered among such people. Sheela was religious in nature and of contented nature, her husband was also prudent and well-mannered. Sheela and her husband never did evil to anyone and were spending time well in bhajan of the Lord, their household being appreciated by the people of the city.
Sightedly changed while watching. Sheela's husband became friends with bad people, now he started dreaming of becoming a millionaire as soon as possible. That's why he went on the wrong path, as a result he became a roadpati, that is, he had become like a beggar wandering on the way. Sheela's husband also got trapped in bad habits like alcohol, gambling, race, charas-ganja etc. He also got addicted to alcohol with friends, thus he lost everything in race-gambling.
Sheela was deeply saddened by her husband's behavior, but she started to bear everything by trusting God. She started spending most of her time in devotion to God, suddenly one afternoon someone knocked on her door, Sheela opened the door and saw that a mother was standing. Her face was brimming with supernatural brilliance, her eyes as if nectar was flowing, her majestic face overflowing with compassion and love. On seeing him, there was immense peace in Sheela's mind, there was joy in Sheela's romance. Sheela brought that mother into the house with respect. There was nothing to put in the house, so Sheela hesitantly made him sit on a torn sheet.
The mother said- "Why Sheela! Don't recognize me? Every Friday I also come there at the time of bhajan-kirtan in Lakshmiji's temple." Despite this, Sheela could not understand anything. Then mother said- 'You have not come to the temple for a long time, so I came to see you.'
Sheela's heart melted by the loving words of her mother, tears welled up in her eyes and she wept bitterly. Mother said- 'Daughter! Happiness and sorrow are like sunshine and shade, be patient, daughter! Tell me all your troubles.'
Sheela got a lot of support from mother's behavior and in the hope of happiness, she told her whole story to mother. Hearing the story, Mother said- 'The speed of action is different. Every person has to bear his karma, so don't worry, now you have suffered the karma. Now your happy days will surely come, you are a devotee of Mother Lakshmi, Mother Lakshmi is an incarnation of love and compassion. She always has affection for her devotees. That's why you keep the fast of Mother Lakshmi with patience, everything will be fine by this. On asking Sheela, Mother also told her the whole method of fasting. Mother said- 'Daughter! Mother Lakshmi's fast is very simple, it is called 'Varad Lakshmi Vrat' or 'Vaibhav Lakshmi Vrat'. All the wishes of the person who observes this fast are fulfilled, he gets happiness, wealth and fame.
Sheela was overjoyed to hear this. When Sheela opened her eyes with determination, there was no one in front of her, she was astonished that where did the mother go? It did not take long for Sheela to immediately understand that Mother ji was none other than Lakshmi ji. The second day was Friday. After taking a bath in the morning, wearing clean clothes, Sheela fasted with all her heart according to the method prescribed by her mother. Prasad was distributed in the last, this prasad was first fed to the husband. There was a difference in the nature of the husband as soon as he ate the prasad, that day he did not kill Sheela, did not even harass her. Sheela was very happy, her reverence for 'Vaibhavlakshmi Vrat' increased in her mind.
Sheela observed 'Vaibhavlakshmi Vrat' for twenty one Fridays with full devotion. On the twenty-first Friday, according to the mother's instructions, after performing the Udyapan method, seven women were gifted seven books of 'Vaibhavlakshmi Vrat'. Then after worshiping the image of Mother's 'Dhanalakshmi Swaroop', she started praying in her heart - 'O Mother Dhanalakshmi! I had taken your vow to observe 'Vaibhavlakshmi Vrat', that fast has been fulfilled today, O mother! Take away all my troubles. Do welfare of all of us, give children to those who do not have children, keep the good fortune of a fortunate woman unbroken. Giving a virtuous husband to a virgin, who observes this miraculous Vaibhavlakshmi fast of yours, removes all their troubles. Make everyone happy, O mother! Your glory is immense.' Saying this he bowed down to the image of 'Dhanalakshmi Swaroop' of Laxmiji.
Due to the effect of the fast, Sheela's husband became a good man and started doing business by working hard. He immediately freed Sheela's mortgaged ornaments, the house was flooded with money. There was peace and happiness in the house as before, seeing the effect of 'Vaibhavlakshmi Vrat', other women of the locality also started observing 'Vaibhavlakshmi Vrat' methodically.
ललिता त्रिपुरसुंदरी को पार्वती का अवतार माना जाता है। त्रिपुरा सुंदरी जिसे राजराजेश्वरी , षोडशी , कामाक्षी और ललिता के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, एक हिंदू देवी है, जो मुख्य रूप से शक्तिवाद परंपरा में प्रतिष्ठित है और दस महाविद्याओं में से एक के रूप में पूजी जाती है।